Exterior image of the Tooker House residence hall for ASU Engineering students

Residential and commuter life

Fulton Schools residential communities

Tempe campus

The Tempe campus is home to three residential communities for most of the Fulton Schools students: Tooker House, University House and the Barrett Residential Community (for students who are also part of Barrett, The Honors College). Read more about these communities.

Polytechnic campus

The Polytechnic campus has two residential communities for Fulton Schools students: Century Hall and Lantana Hall. Read more about these communities.

ASU Housing issue?

If you live in an ASU residential community, visit the University Housing Current Residents page to get help with an issue.

Off-campus communities

Many ASU students live off campus. ASU and the Fulton Schools have resources to keep you involved and supported as a commuter.

Off-campus Housing Marketplace

ASU has a website devoted to helping students find off-campus housing. Visit the marketplace.


The ASU Wellness website has a guide for biking to campus.

View the guides for ASU campus shuttles and local public transit options to and around the ASU campuses.

A group photo of the 18 Fall 2023 Fulton Schools Peer mentors

Peer Mentors for every student

Whether you commute to campus or live in an ASU residential community, the Fulton Schools has Peer Mentors who assist first-year students in becoming part of the ASU community.